Student Expectations


Student Expectations

     Effective listening and cooperative skills are two areas we will emphasize this year.  We expect students to follow school and classroom rules and take responsibility for their own behavior, learning, and belongings.  Students will copy homework assignments daily in their Student Agendas - there should be something written EVERY DAY!  An official written warning will be given for students not recording assignments. (A warning results in a loss of 5 minutes of Recess.) We will assist students with organization by requiring them to use an organizational binder with plastic pockets for "Take Home" papers and content classes.  They are responsible for having a parent check the contents of the pockets each Tuesday.  Please don’t remove anything from your child’s binder without checking with your child to see if that item is still needed for class.  

     In addition, we expect students to treat peers, adults, and all students with respect and kindness.  Every member of the school  community should feel accepted and appreciated.


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